Learning Policy
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Student Expectations
- Prior to class commencement, students should have access to the Moodle Learning Management System. This access will be provided by Heritage College before the start of their first class in the form of an email to their Heritage College email account. If you are unable to login to the Moodle Learning Management System, contact Heritage College immediately at and a member of our Distance Learning team will ensure you that access is acquired.
- All students will be expected to attend the Orientation Seminar prior to the start date of your classes.
- Students are expected to adhere to the suggested timeline for progression through the program. Heritage College will do its best to build a schedule that accommodates the needs of students within the program.
- Students are expected to keep copies of all homework and assignments submitted to instructors.
- Students are expected to check into their Moodle Learning Management System account daily to participate in discussions, share ideas or questions, review videos and course material and take any exams assigned by your instructors.
- Attendance to live lectures is mandatory for all students. Failure to attend a live lecture without prior notification, will result in students being marked Absent Without Cause (A).
- Online tests and examinations through the LMS will be made available to students for a length of time determined to be appropriate by the instructors. Failure to complete a test or examination in the period allotted by the instructor will result in the student receiving a mark of 0 in that particular exam, possibly failing the module and requiring the student to retake it in the future. If you find yourself unable to attend an exam due to an emergency situation, or should technical issues arise while taking the test, contact Heritage College immediately at If notified in advance, Heritage College will then schedule a time to complete the exam in-person on campus to accommodate you.
- Heritage College attempts to provide a consistent schedule for our courses but unexpected events such as instructor illnesses may lead to a class being rescheduled. Should Heritage College need to add additional live lectures or change the date and time of the lectures due to holidays or instructor absence, our Distance Learning team will do its best to notify you as far in advance as possible.
- Students are expected to complete all prescribed course activities, including assignments and exams, on time. In exceptional circumstances, an instructor may alter course requirements to accommodate specific needs, however, that alteration will be determined by the College Director and the instructor. Exam rewrites will not be granted unless there is valid reason or technical problems prevent the student from accessing the exam. In the case of illness, the students must notify their instructors before the test date.
Recorded Videos and Live Lectures
In our distance learning program, we make use of a blend of recorded and live lectures. Students are provided with prerecorded video lectures, presentations (when needed) and reading material in advance of the live lecture. The live lectures with the instructor will be scheduled on a later date. Students are expected to attend these live lectures having already reviewed the materials provided by the instructor.
During a live lecture, the instructor will answer questions students have about the course material, review topics, and participate in exercises with the students to help prepare them for exams and assignments. These live lectures are not intended to be a full review the pre-recorded video of the lecture or other material. Instead, they are meant to reinforce the topics covered in the course.
As mandated by Alberta Advanced Education’s Private Career College Branch, Heritage College collects and reports student attendance. For distance learning courses, students are expected to attend the regularly scheduled live lectures as if they were a physical class. By attending and engaging with these lectures, we can certify that students are meeting the participation requirements needed to obtain a provincally-recognized diploma or certificate from Heritage College.
Failure to attend a live lecture without prior notice will result in a student being marked Absent Without Cause (A). A student with three (3) consecutive unexcused absences on their record will be issued a formal warning by the College. A fourth absence will result in the student being withdrawn from the program.
Please refer to the Student Handbook section on Attendance for more information about Heritage College’s Attendance Policy.
If a student misses a live lecture, the student will be responsible to review the scheduled material independently. They can contact the instructor by e-mail or using the discussion board of Moodle if they have specific questions. Live sessions will not be repeated unless the Academic Manager feels there were extenuating circumstances.