IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to a service interruption, Heritage College will be unable to offer Digital Fingerprinting starting January, 2025 and running until further notice. Ink and Roll fingerprinting will continued to be offered by Heritage during this interruption.

Heritage College offers cutting-edge digital fingerprinting services for fast and reliable results.

We are proudly accredited by the RCMP. With our specialized fingerprinting equipment, we send submissions directly to the RCMP database. We offer a streamlined system for managing the security screening and clearance process for security officers, HR specialists, recruitment firms, private businesses, immigration lawyers, adoption agencies and volunteer associations.

Heritage College uses a state-of-the-art, integrated live-scan and card-scan solution. Our process is easier to use, compatible with a greater range of hardware, mobile-friendly, and affordable. Our equipment allows the complete fingerprinting process to be managed with efficiency, ease, compatibility, mobility, savings and security.

We offer digital fingerprinting for...

  • Government of Canada Security Clearance
  • Provincial, Municipal and Private Employers
  • Record Suspension, Pardon & Application Assistance
  • Permanent Residence & Landed Immigrant Status
  • Canadian Citizenship Applications
  • US Travel Waivers
  • Adoption & KInship
  • Controlled Goods Programs
  • And More…
  • Our address

    Unit 22, 3250 Sunridge Way NE
    Calgary, AB T1Y 7K4

    Heritage College also offers Ink and Roll fingerprinting to those who require this service. Ink and roll fingerprinting is the traditional form of fingerprinting, and is accepted by many governments around the world as part of a police background check. These include, but are not limited to, the United States, Mexico, India, Nigeria, and the UAE. Certain countries, such as Japan, South Africa, and Australia, have particular requirements for their ink and roll fingerprinting. Please contact Heritage College in advance if you have questions about specific national requirements. 


    You are required to bring to the appointment:

    • (a) 2 pieces of Photographic ID or
    • (b) 1 piece of Photographic ID and 1 piece of Government ID.

    The identification must not be expired (a Permanent Resident Card is the only ID with an expired date that is acceptable).

    • Photographic ID: Provincial Drivers’ License or Identification Card, Passport, Canadian Citizenship Card, Correction Services Canada Identification Card, Permanent Resident Card, Refugee Protection Claimant Document (Certified), Firearms Acquisition Certificate, Status Indian Card, Military Identification Card, Record of Landing and Nexis Card.
    • Government ID (no photo): Alberta Health Care Card, Birth Certificate, Certificate of Live Birth, Marriage Certificate, Immigration Papers (includes VALID document issued by CIC with applicant information) and Certificate of Legal Name Change issued in Canada.


    Recommendation: If available, bring your letter or instructions from the company or person requesting you to get a background check (e.g. employer, Citizenship Immigration Canada, licensing agency, etc.).

    Heritage College’s Digital Fingerprinting service works with the RCMP, and can be shared with any business, organization or government operating in Canada.

    For overseas, we use the traditional ink and roll fingerprinting method. Most governments will provide you with the required forms for ink and roll fingerprinting. We request you bring those forms in with you when you come to Heritage College to get your fingerprinting done, as most of these forms provide fingerprinting agencies like Heritage College with specific directions we need to follow for your fingerprints to be recognized.

    Your first set of fingerprints takes around 20 minutes. Add approximately 10 minutes for each extra set.

    For each digital fingerprinting set, we charge $55, plus $25 in RCMP fees if applicable.

    The RCMP fees is applied only for the following application types:

    • Employment (Private Industry)
    • Adoption (Canadian and International)
    • Employment (Provincial Government)
    • Record Suspension Application
    • Name Change
    For ink and roll fingerprinting, we charge a flat $60

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, Interact Debt Cards and cash.

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