

Kidney Health for Kidney Month

Our kidneys are one of the most vital organs required for maintaining our body’s health and wellness. Everyone knows they have kidneys, but few people know what they do. Well, March is National Kidney Month, so there’s no better time to learn about how your kidneys help you!

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Role of Canadian Pharmacies in the COVID-19 Vaccination Process

Pharmacists with authorization to administer drugs by injection can significantly impact the fight against COVID-19 by using their skills to help with crucial tasks such as vaccine administration and education at designated Alberta Health Services (AHS) facilities. In Alberta, pharmacists could potentially be part of phase 2 immunization to provide vaccines to specific groups, including people at-risk populations in the wider community, such as seniors 75 years old or older and First Nations communities.

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Anti-Bullying Day

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world how important mental health is. Now, more than ever, the world is seeing firsthand just how much we all need each other. We all need to encourage healthy self-esteem and support each other with kindness, compassion and empathy.

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