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Applying for college can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time. But don’t let that stop you from getting the education you need to start the career of your dreams. Our team of admissions and career planning specialists are here to help walk you through every step of the admissions process.
The easiest way to apply to Heritage College is to contact us and set up a meeting with one of our admission specialists. They will be able to walk you through each step of the application, from picking the program that’s right for you, to helping you apply for scholarships, awards and student aid from the government of Alberta.
Please visit our Scholarships and Grants page for current opportunities. You can also visit the Alberta Learning Information Services’ (ALIS) website for more information about our programs, career planning, admissions requirements, and provincial financial aid.
Standard admission is for students who have graduated from high school or another educational institute within the past one (1) year.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age (for residents of Alberta and Saskatchewan) or 19 years of age (for residents of British Columbia and Manitoba) when they submit their application.
Education Requirements
Students must meet ONE of the following criteria:
- an Alberta high school diploma, verified by transcript
- a non-Alberta high school transcript from another province in Canada
- a General Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D.)
Other Requirements
- Students must provide a current (completed within the previous three months) Police Information Check (PIC). This check must be submitted before admittance to the program. The existence of a criminal record may postpone or prevent fieldwork placements, therefore subsequently affecting a potential student’s successful completion of the program.
- Students must demonstrate a minimum level of computer knowledge and skills.
- Students successfully complete an interview with the Program Lead, which will determine a potential student’s personal suitability to the program goals and outcomes.
Mature admission is for students who are returning to education after spending at least one (1) year in the workforce, and who are applying to our standard diploma or certificate programs.
Students must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Applicants must be 18 years of age (for residents of Alberta and Saskatchewan) or 19 years of age (for residents of British Columbia and Manitoba) when they submit their application.
- Applicants must have a current (completed within the previous three months) Police Information Check (PIC). This check must be submitted before admittance to the program. The existence of a criminal record may postpone or prevent fieldwork placements, therefore subsequently affecting a potential student’s successful completion of the program.
- Applicants must successfully complete an interview with the Program Lead, which will determine a potential student’s personal suitability to the program goals and outcomes.
- Applicants must successfully pass our Wonderlic Test
- Applicants must demonstrate a minimum level of computer knowledge and skills.
ESL Requirements
Applicants with English as a Second Language, and who do not have a Canadian high school diploma, MUST meet ONE of the the following criteria:
- Complete our Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) with a minimum score of 16 (13 for Pharmacy Assistant)
- Demonstrate completion of English 30-1 and Math 30-1, or an equivalent from another Canadian province
- CLB level 6 minimum
- A score of 4.5 on the International English Language Test (IELTS)
- A score of at least 32 on the Test of English Language Fluency (TOEFL)
- a WES, IQAS, ICES, CES or another recognized degree assessments from Canada delivered to Heritage College
Ready to discover your new career?
Information Session
Meet one-on-one with your dedicated Admissions Advisor. Your advisor will walk you through the details of your program of interest. Your Admissions Advisor will be able to answer any questions you have about the program you are interested in pursuing, including the topics covered in class, job prospects, and final tuition costs.
Admissions Tests and Experience Check
We require all students to demonstrate specific proficiency standards in English and mathematics before we can admit them into our programs. One way to do this is through a High School Diploma, but if you do not have a High School Diploma, there are other options! As the next step of your application, you will can either:
- Take a free online assessment test (Wonderlic Basic Skills Test), or
- Demonstrate your proficiency through high school or post-secondary transcripts
Your Admissions Advisor will go over any specific program requirements during your information session and schedule your exam should it be required.
Admissions Interview
At this step, you will have a one-on-one meeting with a member of your Academic Advising team. This meeting is a two-way interview, where your Advisor will be able to delve into the fine details of your program of interest. Your Academic Advisor will also ask you questions about your history, background, and experience to determine your qualifications for your program of interest.
Gathering Documents
Should you pass the Admissions Interview, we will begin your formal application process with Alberta’s Government. This step requires you to provide us with some personal identification documents, including:
- Personal Identification
- Proof of Residence
- Background Checks and References
- Any required educational documents not already provided
Enrollment Contract
Once we have processed all your documents, we will provide you with a formal enrollment contract. This contract must be printed out and signed physically in front a witness before we can continue with the enrollment process.
Financial Advisor Meeting
For more information on all these options, please consult our Tuition and Financial Aid page.
Note: Due to privacy concerns and out of respect for Provincial regulations, we do not apply for student loans on your behalf. We are happy to work with you at every step of your application process and provide you with detailed walk-throughs and guidance. But to ensure your confidential documents remain securely yours, you will be required to complete the actual application.
Program Orientation
In the week preceding the start of your class, we will invite you to your Program Orientation Session. This short session will provide you with all the information you need for your upcoming classes. We will provide you with your books and student ID cards during this orientation, as well as your course schedule. You will also have a chance to meet your instructors and your academic support team during your orientation session.
Classes Start
You have made it! Now comes the real work of studying.
Even though you have cleared the admissions process, your support team will still be there to help you. You will have regular meetings with your Academic Advisor to ensure your classes are running smoothly and address any concerns you might have. You will also meet your Career Advisor, and they will begin to walk you through the process finding a practicum and a job after graduation. Heritage College will continue to work for you from the moment you apply to the day you land your dream job.